A printer with felt tips instead of ink: behold the mighty Penjet!
Mmmmm felt tips: making the plain pages of sketch books colourful since pretty much forever, you can’t help but love a good felt tip! But imagine if you could transform that trusty old pen into something completely new?! Mind boggling stuff right, but that’s exactly what the talented trio of Amsterdam design students – Jaan Evart, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld – have done with their super-impressive PenJet printer. Taking an old inkjet printer apart and switching the usual ink cartridge for felt tip pens, not only is the concept incredible but it also creates seriously impressive and lovely looking pictures as a result. Cool!
With each printed piece different from the last (no matter how much control there is, the printed result remains wonderfully unpredictable) the prints capture both the imperfections of handwriting and the precision of a machine. Having been presented at Vienna design week, it’s about time these talented chaps got the recognition that such a innovative and cool design clearly deserves.
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
Jaan Evartm, Julian Hagen and Daniël Maarleveld: PenJet
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