Michael Moloney & John Hooper

5 January 2010

When If You Could Collaborate started out, we couldn’t have anticipated the level of dedication from the participants to be as high as it was. But, as film maker Michael Moloney and photographer John Hooper illustrate, there is no substitute for making time to explore your own ideas and processes. So, when they came to us with their final film, charting an ambitious trek up, and capture of one of Britain’s most beautiful areas, we were gobsmacked. The video will be revealed at the exhibition on the 14th, but here’s some tasty behind the scenes pics on just what went on as well as an extract from the interview that can be found in the catalogue.

Hello, can you tell us what you’ve produced for the show?

JH. A short film about a mountain. The final piece is a three minute time-lapse film through a rotation of 720˚, over 24 hours, latitude=54.4573863987˚, longitude=-3.10007085947˚.

What were the biggest challenges you faced?

MM. Technical issues, but these were pretty much all sorted out by John. He really did his research! My main concern was creating some kind of lighting effect that would begin at sunset and last throughout the night.
JH. Electricity, weight and a bloody big hill…

What’s your favourite collaboration of all time?

MM. Canon & Ball.
JH. Ham & Cheese.

To see the complete If You Could Collaborate feature, click here

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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